Partners in Peri

WellFemme is a Telehealth menopause clinic which uses the internet to provide evidence-based information and treatment in collaboration with a woman’s usual General Practitioner. We are a collective of GP’s who care about menopause and perimenopause, supporting one another to continually develop our knowledge and treat patients. 

WellFemme was founded in late 2018 by Dr Kelly Teagle, a GP specialising in women’s health based in Canberra. She graduated in Medicine from the University of Queensland in 2001 and worked in the Royal Australian Air Force as a Medical Officer until 2010. As a civilian GP she gained Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and developed her interest in women’s medicine with further studies and experience in reproductive and sexual health. 

During this time Dr Teagle became very interested in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Ironically, at the age of 42 she experienced an early menopause herself. Her symptoms were debilitating but very responsive to treatment, so she realised the importance of getting access to timely advice and care at menopause. Dr Teagle also noticed that her services could be largely delivered just by talking to women, and so the idea for a Telehealth menopause clinic was born.

Currently in Australia there are hundreds of thousands of women suffering with significant, untreated menopausal symptoms. Data published in 2016 estimated about 385,000 Australian women have untreated moderate to severe hot flushes. If we consider the spectrum of other perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms (mood, musculoskeletal, sleep probs, vaginal and urinary issues) that number will be very much greater.

One reason that women are having to tolerate debilitating symptoms is a lack of access to healthcare providers with expertise in managing peri/ menopause. This is particularly problematic for women in regional, rural and remote areas who have limited choice of healthcare providers. 

WellFemme exists to ensure that ALL Australian women have access to evidence-based menopause and perimenopause care. We achieve this by:

  • Delivering Telehealth perimenopause and menopause consultations Australia wide,

  • Recruiting and developing our team of caring and motivated menopause doctors,

  • Providing high- quality, evidence-based menopause information through our website, webinars and social media channels,

  • Increasing menopause awareness and training for healthcare professionals, and

  • Promoting and facilitating conversations to educate and empower women.

The WellFemme team are passionate about helping menopausal women reach their best potential. “Shared experiences are empowering experiences”, says Dr Teagle. “This happens when we embrace and discuss what’s happening to us. Normalising menopause breaks down the fear and frees women to explore the potential of their “new normal”. That is WellFemme’s vision: healthy, happy women.”
