A healthcare team for Australian women whose lives are impacted by menopause.

Menopause can be a real *beep*.

There, we said it.

From the hormonal shifts to the physical symptoms, the identity crises to the emotional wobbles, and everything in between (and let’s be honest, there’s a lot in between!)…

No facet of a woman’s life goes untouched when menopause knocks on the door, and wow-ee can she keep knocking for a l-o-n-g time!

Are you a woman journeying with menopause?

Allow us to help you thrive (or at least not suffer!) through this season of your life.

Are you a practitioner supporting menopausal women?

Join the professional community of your dreams.

Are you a referrer who wants to find a trusted practitioners?

Or a woman who wants to find the perfect person for the job?

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone just listened?

We’re still lightyears behind when it comes to providing our women with the holistic, educated and high quality care they both need and deserve.

Not only can the menopause journey feel like an overwhelming, confusing and tumultuous time for a woman… It can be made even more difficult when the professional healthcare they seek out just. doesn’t. cut. it.

The All About Her Centre For Menopause exists to rapidly speed up this process and ensure that perimenopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal women feel understood, seen, and supported at every step along the way.

Women, we want you to know…

That even though you feel fed up, tired, drained and confused - you can reclaim some of the control and power we know you feel like you’ve lost. And heck, we’ll go so far as to say you might even find your joie de vivre!

And that even though you may have had less than ideal experiences with healthcare professionals who’ve been living under a rock - there are plenty out there who are passionate and educated about menopause (all you need to do is take one look at our directory to see the proof!)

Things can get better and rest assured we’re hitching our skirts into our knickers, rolling up our sleeves and working our backsides off in the background, to help you live a life you love.

A directory of menopause experts

Psychologists, counsellors, nutritionists, dieticians, naturopaths, exercise physiologists, physiotherapists, health coaches - we're currently scouting and recruiting the best menopause practitioners in Australia. 

Passionate about menopause and want to get your deets in the directory?

Meet our Founder

Hi, I’m Kirstin! I’m a Clinical Psychologist who has three decades worth of notches on her psych belt, a perimenopausal woman, a mother of four, and a lover of musicals.

Personally, I’ve found perimenopause to be one of the hardest experiences of my life - the hot flushes, fatigue, forgetfulness, HRT/MHT that barely made a dent and wondering who the heck I even am and what the heck I even want for my future… 

BUT I’ve also found it to be the most liberating chapter I’ve ever had to navigate and I now feel more me than ever before. 

Professionally, I’ve been hor-ri-fied by the lack of professionals serving in this space. That, coupled with the overwhelming amount of referrals I receive to support menopausal women, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands and devote my career to evolving healthcare professionals into menopause experts.

While All About Her is in her infancy, I feel so inspired to bring my many years worth of personal and professional experiences to the table, to help drastically improve women’s journeys with menopause.

Thank you for being here with me. Together, I know we’re going to start a movement and get this life stage valued and celebrated as it rightly should.

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Health professionals, want to get involved?