
For Practitioners

Check out our current offerings. More coming soon!

The Wellbeing Codes

Monday 19th May 2025 9:30am- 4:30pm AWST

Introduction to Schema Coaching.

You would have to be living under a rock, not to have heard of Jeffrey Young’s Schema Therapy!

Well, Dr Rachel Wheeler is the Co-founder The Wellbeing Codes. Using the principles of Schema Therapy, Rachel and Dr Hunter have adapted this model and to create positive healing pathways for each of the 18 maladaptive schemas. Schema coaching is a great modality if you are working with high functioning clients, with non-clinical presentations, who’s schemas are blocking them from thriving or accessing joy and rest and play.

If you are curious about how to apply schema to your coaching clients (i.e. this is a positive psychology framework) and a psychologist/health professional (whether schema trained or not) then come and join us for this 1-day workshop! 

This workshop will give an introduction into schema coaching techniques and is a very practical and experiential training experience. 

There is also a bonus self-guided program that comes with the training, so you can learn to apply schema coaching techniques to all the 18 maladaptive schemas. And it attracts and additional 12 PD points on completion.

AAPI 2024 Conference

Live Conference - Wednesday 20th March to Friday 22nd March 2024

I’m speaking on The Psychology of Menopause!

Together in unity we are stronger.

Our conference is designed to promote unity, engagement, and learning in the field of psychology practice in Australia. We are proud to offer a conference promoting our core values of advocacy, equality, and diversity; our mission is to connect psychologists to shape the future of mental health.